Saturday, April 18, 2009

Peace Be With You!

Passion week has come and gone. We've read of the cheering crowds on Palm Sunday, that one last supper with our Saviour, the betrayal and desertion of Good Friday, and the Alleluias of Easter Sunday.

Now what? Where do we go from here?

In the weeks following the resurrection, the disciples - all of whom in their varied ways had deserted Jesus - asked the same question. Jesus lives! But what did that mean for the disciples? Would Jesus be angry? Would he hold their failure against them?

Jesus offered, not chastisement, but reconciliation. Christ's words, "Peace be with you" and "receive the Holy Spirit", his commissioning them and sending them out as messengers, were the very last words they deserved to hear, and the very words they most needed to hear.

Those words are not only for those disciples, but for us. Despite our own failings and evasions, Jesus never gives up on us. May we have ears to hear Christ's words of reconciliation and hands and feet to respond.

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